Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 6 Story: Goodbye Babysitter

Goodbye Babysitter.

"We have to get a new baby sitter, she is becoming a problem" said Liam to his sister Anne. "Why? She seems pretty nice to me" she responded. Liam thinking of a reason to get his sister on his side said "She wouldn't let me go to the skating rink tonight, and I heard her saying something to her friends about your doll being stupid," he told his sister. As he finished he could see a fire light up in her eyes like none before as she said "How are we going to do it?"

They both sat in Liam's room spitting out ideas while the baby sitter sat in the living room chatting away to her friends. "What is something that would make Mom and Dad mad at her?" they kept asking each other. Until finally Liam had the perfect idea of how to get rid of the evil babysitter.

"Let's make it look like she drank all of Dad's favorite drink," he told his sister. "That's perfect Dad loves his pirate drink" she said excitedly.

A bottle of Captain Morgan found on Flickr.

So the two came up with a plan on how they were going to sabotage the baby sitter. They sat there discussing what was to be done precisely until they formed the perfect plan.

"Okay so here it is: First we will wait until she falls asleep on the couch. Then when we are positive that she won't be checking on us, we will sneak into the cabinet and grab Dad's bottle. We will then pour all of it out into the sink and gently place the bottle next to her, being sure to not wake her. Then we will use the phone in Mom and Dad's room to call and tell them to come home, but we have to make sure she doesn't hear us," Liam explained to his sister.

So the two waited until the perfect time to perform their sabotage plan. Everything went absolutely as planned. As the they laid in Liam's room they heard nothing until all of a sudden "You will never be asked to work here again, I'll drive you home but I will definitely tell your parents what you have done here tonight" they heard their dad sternly say.

"Look who's doll is stupid now!" said Anne to her brother.

Author's Note:
This story is based off The Frog, the Bee, and the Bird from The Tooti Nameh or Tales of a Parrot written by Ziya'al-Din Nakhshabi. In that story, a Parrot tells the story of an Elephant that rubs up against a tree that held the bird's eggs. The motion caused the eggs to fall and die, which made the bird upset. This caused the bird to team up with a Bee and Frog to kill the elephant because he was so much bigger than them. Ultimately they describe the plan and it goes accordingly. In my version of the story, I use Liam to represent the bird, Anne to represent the bee and frog, and the baby sitter to represent the elephant. I used children to make it more relatable and I tried to copy the story style in the sense that the climax is in the plan itself rather than the actions being planned out.


The Tooti Nameh or Tales of a Parrot, by Ziya'al-Din Nakhshabi (1801). The actual story through is found in this link


  1. Hi Gavin! I've never heard of the story of The Frog, the Bee, and the bird so this is a new one for me! I think telling the story in the context of the babysitter really helped me to understand it better - although you might want to summarize it differently in your authors note because it sounds crazy!! The Captain Morgan shoutout was a nice touch and really modernized the whole story! Great story and I can't wait to read more! Have a great week!

  2. Hi Gavin! I read Tales of a Parrot too! I think I may have told you that on your week 7 story though. Anyways, I completely forgot about the story of The Frog, the Bee, and the Bird! I wasn't a huge fan of the message because I don't think the elephant meant to shake the eggs out of the tree. I thought your retelling was really creative and I liked how each person represented something from the original story. I also thought it was funny when the little girl mentioned "the pirate's drink" and then you put the picture of the Captain Morgan's to show what kind of pirate's drink it really was! Great job!
