Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall I think my reading and writing assignments have been going very well. I enjoy the readings each week typically and they allow me to get a good idea how to come up with my own version of one of the tales that I read. I think my favorite readings have came from Homer's Iliad because I love the Greek mythology behind them. I also like all of the action and emotion that come from these tales. There is nothing better than the stories from these tales especially the slaying of Hector because they are so graphic. I think that my reading notes could always get better but for the most part they allow me to focus on the things I want to include or improve about my writing. For example they help me realize how to better describe action scenes, or how to make my dialogue between characters better. I could probably be more specific in my notes but I try to make it clear and simple each week what I should do to truly capture a scene or way of writing that I find to be productive.

I think that my project is going extremely well for the most part. I could probably get a better cover page that describes the idea behind my stories better but I feel that will come towards the end with inspiration. I think the stories that I have written have been pretty good though and each week I am able to tweak them for the betterment due to the feedback I have received. I would consider my greatest accomplishment in this class for my writing to be the ability to modernize these older tales. At first I struggled in finding a way to make them more relatable to the reader, but now I feel that I have found a technique to truly provide a newer style to these stories. I also think I have gotten a lot better about using dialogue between characters to move events along in the story while still creating visual for the reader.

This is the picture I used in my story Liam's Revenge. I found it on Pixabay.

I like this image from my story Liam's Revenge because it truly showed the events of the story. I felt that it went perfect with the story because he is destroying his sister's doll by dragging it with his bike. 

When thinking about the future of my reading notes and stories, I can't truly think about what I need to fix. I guess I should try to focus on providing more specific examples in my reading notes as in scenes or description tools. As for stories, I feel that I can improve more in describing the characters. I need to make sure the writer can truly put their mind to understanding what the character is thinking or what back ground the character has.

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