Monday, October 2, 2017

Wikipedia Trails: From Dogs to Giraffes


Because I love dogs and read the story Why the Dog and Cat are Enemies, I chose to search dogs first. I knew that they were descended from wolves originally but I learned that the first domesticated dog has since been extinct. I also learned that dogs were the first species to become domesticated.


When reading through dogs I saw how they obtained their food in the wild which made me go to this page. I knew what it meant to be a predator but I didn't know there were different types. One type that I learned was ambush predation, which is the act of waiting for prey to come close enough to then strike. I also learned that social predation is when a group of organisms collectively hunt another species, like wolves attacking a moose for food.


As to seeing the anti-predation measures I was interested in seeing what all types of camouflage there are. I learned that people have noticed this technique from way back and that even Aristotle noticed it within the octopus. I also learned that the french people who came up with different types of camouflage in World War I are called camofleurs.


Reading about the different organisms on the camouflage page, I came across giraffes which I have always found intriguing. I learned that a Giraffe neck can be as long as 7.9 feet which I find crazy being thats almost as tall as a basketball goal. I also learned that giraffes eat around 75 pounds of foliage daily.

This is a picture of Giraffes found on Wikimedia Commons.

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