Thursday, November 2, 2017

Learning Challenge: Don't Judge People

10 Reasons to Stop Judging People

One of my main beliefs that I have had since high school is that you can always relate to a person on some sort of level despite if you like them or not. This is what inspired me to be more social and meet people and try to be their friend in some sense or another. I find it very true that you can always find something you have in common so to judge another person isn't right of me. This article kind of confirmed that if I judge someone else then it says more about me than it does about them. What is sad though is I feel that since high school I have become more judgmental and I need to go back to being more personable with everyone especially strangers. It doesn't make someone better if you can only criticize a person for what you think is negative about them. This makes me want to try and meet more strangers no matter what and initially trust that they could possibly be my new friend. I wouldn't say I really learned anything new but instead I learned that I need to revert to my older ways. This article was very positive for me to read and I encourage others to ponder as they read this article.

This image that I have included is a quote that I found on this website.  I think that this is pretty good rationale and I should try to think this way all of the time. 

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