Sunday, October 22, 2017

Growth Mindset: Sharing the idea with my room mate

For this Growth Mindset assignment, I choose to talk to my room mate Graham about it all. Basically the way the conversation went was me explaining my outlook on it all him and asking him how he handles things in his life to keep positive and reflect on his daily life occurrences. One thing he told me that he has been trying to do better was realize why he is doing something in moments and whether it will affect him positively or not in the future. I told him that is a good idea and that I should do that with things like studying and what not. Sometimes I will just be doing something and living in the moment which isn't bad but it might not be productive for the future. I also gave him some ideas about reflecting at the end of each day to truly analyze what one can do better for them selves. Overall I'd say it was a positive conversation and he enjoyed listening to the ideas behind Growth Mindset.
I chose this picture because Graham and I got our minds together to have a good conversation about being positive and  proactive. I got it from here 

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