Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wikipedia Trails: From an Elephant to the Ectoderm


I chose to start with an Elephant based off my reading from the Parrot's Tales. I learned that the Elephant's trunk is formally called a proboscis. I also saw that they are compared to some primates when it comes to intelligence which I never knew they were so intelligent (maybe assumed it from Dumbo). I also learned that the African Bush Elephant lives in the hottest climates and has the largest ear flaps. From the Elephant page I saw they are related to the Orycteropodidae.


I chose this one because there was a picture of a random looking species. I realized that this is the family in which the aardvark falls into. The aardvark is the only one in the family remaining however.  I learned that the males will release a musk smell when trying to mate with another which is interesting.

This is a picture of aardvarks found on Wikimedia Commons.


When I started reading about the Orycteropodidae I was looking at random information with them and ran across their bones which lead me to the femur. This is considered the thigh bone and is usually one of the strongest bones in the body. I learned that most animals that walk on all four limbs usually have a femur in the hind legs only.


Being a biology major I couldn't help but resist going to this page when I saw it on the Femur page because I've learned about this so many times in class. This is the outer layer of an organism or the surface. There is usually 3 layers and this is the most outside one of cells. Overall this wasn't the most exciting page but still kept me interested.

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