Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week 8 Progress

So far I think that I am doing a great job with the work I have put into this class. I am on track for an A way before the end of this class. I think that my schedule of trying to do as much as I can Monday or Tuesday is working out the best for me because those days I don't have as many classes to go to and it allows me to focus on my other classes the rest of the week. Then I try to get the rest of my stuff for this class including extra credit done either Wednesday or Sunday. I love the extra credit assignments because they get me to think outside of the box and allow me to learn things I normally wouldn't. My favorite one each week is the Wikipedia trails and the story writing itself. Honestly there isn't really anything I plan on changing about my work for the rest of the semester other than possibly doing a couple more of the extra credit assignments each week. I could do the extra reading since I haven't really done that one ever. Overall, I've actually enjoyed this class because I've learned how to do different things with technology along with get into touch with my creative side.

A road sign that says Motivation found on Picserver.

I chose this image because I like to think of my semester work like a road trip where I have to follow signs, and as I approach the half way mark in this class, I would like to look up and see this as my motivation.

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