Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Learning Challenge: Get More Sleep

Why Sleeping May Be More Important Than Studying

I really enjoyed this article because it made me reflect on my own sleeping habits and gave me more of a experimental proof as to why people suggest how crucial sleep is for a student. I knew that the brain performed several stages of sleep but the article reassured me how critical each part of sleep is. I guess I assumed that sleep just helped fix one's health but I didn't know until I read the article that it actually rejuvenated systems like the cardiovascular system. One thing that made me curious was how much better I could possibly do if all of my classes started from 10 am or later. I think it would truly help me out if I started trying my best to schedule classes no earlier than then just to make sure that I get more sleep. I found that in a class that I had at 8:30 that I wasn't able to focus nearly enough. I think in terms of high school students this would also be great. 

This is an image of a tired student to represent how I have felt at some points. I found this image on Pixabay.

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