Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Congo Unit, Part B

Congo: The Antelope And The Leopard

What I really liked about this story was the use of dialogue to set the tones in the story. For example "What fearful eyes you have got..." this was a great way to communicate the idea that is supposed to be seen. I like this because as a reader you can fully imagine what is going on for the plot yet also build a visual. Also in my opinion this is a great way to understand where the character is coming from too. For me to try and use this story as a template with my own writing I should focus on trying to describe things while having to characters communicate with each other. For this story I was thinking that I could use the idea of hide and seek for children since that is kind of what the leopard and antelope are doing. In my portfolio since it is supposed to be younger things people can relate to I feel a good hide and seek with a twist to this story could be very entertaining. I could possibly change the ending around in some way too because I wasn't the biggest fan of this ending. Maybe it is just me but I haven't liked the ending or climaxes for most of the congo and west african stories. I feel like they are too rushed which makes me think that as a writer I should focus on delivering the final message with such detail that the reader could never say it was rushed. I don't like the feeling of wanting more so I need to make sure that in my own stories that I'm not leaving the reader hanging by lack of detail and emotion. Overall, I liked this story and it got by brain thinking about different ideas for a story, but I felt that it could have been delivered in the end better. 

This is a picture of the leopard found on Pixabay.

This story is part of the Congo unit. Story source: Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by Richard Edward Dennett (1898).

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