Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tech Tip: Typing Test

I used the Key Hero site to perform a typing test to see my accuracy and speed when it comes to typing on a laptop. What I liked about the web site's test was the simplicity of the rules and the operating system. I didn't like however that when you mess up you had to back space and fix everything to improve your accuracy. I've personally never noticed a problem with my typing skills but after taking the test one time I realized that I was below average on speed but above average on accuracy. This makes me want to work on trying to type faster because I want to always be competitive with others. The only time I have ever tried to work on my typing skills was in a computer class I took in middle school. Honestly I don't think it is that big of an issue for me, but I do believe that people who can type faster and are more accurate are better readers and thinkers. I know my reading speed is actually slow so maybe this will help me get my reading up better if I try to type faster each time. Who knows maybe it would decrease the time I spend doing home work as well. 

PS: I tried to type this blog as quickly and accurately as I could as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gavin, I did this tech tip recently too! I also hated that I had to back space to fix errors! I got so frustrated with the game because of that. I also thought I was fast at typing until I took this test and realized I am not very accurate when I type quickly. I took a keyboarding class in middle school too!
