Sunday, October 22, 2017

Wikipedia Trails: From Spiders to Horse Shoe Crabs


From my reading this week I read a story about why spiders hide in the corners of room so this is why I looked them up first. I personally hate spiders and am actually terrified of them. I learned from this page that their closest relative is the Scorpion, which I also would hate if I ever encountered one. I also learned that one thing that separates spiders from a lot of the bugs is the fact that they have fangs which can inject venom. I knew that they could do that but wasn't really sure how the process occurred which was cool to read about.


I've never really found any interest in scorpions, all I knew was to avoid them at all costs haha. I found it interesting that they are on all continents except Antartica and can live in some pretty bizarre conditions. I also found out that the most harmful stinging ones aren't on North America so that gave me a little more assurance.

A picture of a scorpion found on Wikimedia Commons.


I didn't even know these existed but they are more often referred to as Sea Scorpions. Although most of them swim, I learned that some of them have long enough legs where they can crawl. I also learned that their closest relative is the Horse shoe crab.

Horse Shoe Crabs

These are another type of arthropod and I obviously went straight to their page from the sea scorpion one from seeing how closely related they were. I learned that they have a lot more rods and cones compared to humans meaning they are extremely susceptible to light but even with that they have very poor eyesight. I also found it interesting that these creatures don't have any hemoglobin in their blood.

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