Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wikipedia Trails: From Eagles to J.J. Abrams


One of the stories that I read and took notes on this week was about an eagle so this is where I decided to start my trail at. One of the things that I learned is that there are only two species of eagles in North America while there are many more in different areas of the world. I found this kind of ironic being that the eagle is such significant figure for America. I learned that their are different groups of eagles including: Fish eagles, Booted Eagles, Snake eagles, and Harpy eagles. I also learned that the eagle is the patron animal of the Greek God Zeus.


Being that I have taken years of latin and seeing that Zeus was involved with the eagle, this is where I decided to lead my next step of my trail. One of the things that I learned about Zeus is not only is the eagle a sign of him, but also the bull is as well. I also learned that Zeus was raised by a goat named Amalthea. I knew that Zeus was always tied to monsters but this was too hard for me to resist on going to my next part of my trail.


This page was kind of interesting because it showed monsters from the greek stories as well as ones from movies. It even separates the monsters based on time frames such that Dracula and Frankenstein were pre-world war II monsters while Godzilla is considered post-world war II. The page also discusses how monsters are usually seen as bad but there are also examples of good monsters in movies such as the Hulk. It also talks about how Pokemon can even be considered monster characters who are likable.

J.J Abrams

Being that I was on the monster page it actually mentioned J.J. Abram's Cloverfield movie which I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane last night. I really enjoyed the movie so I thought I might as well look him up since he produced the movie. Although I have heard of the man, I didn't realize how many movies he was involved in that I really enjoy. The most important fact that I learned about him in my opinion was that he worked with the show Lost which I watched as a kid with my parents. Other than that I didn't really learn much about him other than the fact that he has 3 kids and is jewish.

A picture of J.J. Abrams I found on Wikimedia Commons

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