Monday, October 2, 2017

Reading Notes: Chinese Fairy Tales, Part A

What I really enjoyed about this story was the application to reality. I know it sounds absurdly obvious to state but we all know cats and dogs tend to fight or at least symbolized to dislike each other. What this reading made me realize is that you can create a great story to explain such a simple or common aspect of every day life. This story made me think about how you can truly be creative with anything and that I should try to maybe form a simplified story. 

What I was thinking was to maybe use this story platform to describe why cats dislike water. I was thinking maybe I could have it be how the dog decided to get his revenge. Since the story talked about the dog swimming I was thinking about maybe him tricking the cat into getting in the water with him and having it be the most unpleasant experience for the cat. 
A picture of a wet cat from Pixabay.

On the writing aspects of this story, one of the things I truly appreciated was the description of the ring. I enjoyed the profoundness of just saying it made people richer. I think that even though detail is great in describing events, people, and settings, it can also be strong in lack of detail for somethings. The writer obviously wanted it to be a mystery why the people grew poor, so by barely describing the ring I think that it added emphasis to this point. I think if he had described it into detail I think the reader might have focused more on the ring than the actual message delivered. Too much detail would have the reader thinking about the story in a Lord of the Rings type way where it is an ultimate power within the story. In my possible story that I'm imagining I was thinking about maybe having a profoundness of something magical as well. I'm not truly sure what I could include being this would be a story of revenge but maybe I can just apply this aspect to another story. 


The Chinese Fairy Book, ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921).

The link to the specific story is above in the header. 

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