Sunday, October 22, 2017

Learning Challenge: Be Happy!

Want to Be Happier? Science Says Do These 11 Things Every Single Day
One of the things that I had already known but this article confirmed was that actually smiling makes people a lot more happy. I knew this from random speakers I have heard in the past but I still think it is cool how performing the action actually makes one happier. I found it interesting how just planning a vacation can make someone happier even if they don't go on it. I actually used to make fake vacations with my friend without even knowing this but they were always hilarious and did make me happy. I also became curious with the idea of mediation. I have never really thought about doing that but honestly it wouldn't be the worst thing for me to take a little time when I'm stressed to just empty my mind through meditation. Overall this article was interesting to read and made me think of ways I need to be more positive.

I chose this picture because of what the article said about taking vacations and this is one of my favorite movies. I  found it on Flickr

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gavin! I think I may give this article a read for some extra credit. I also have heard about the idea that simply smiling makes you happier. It's so cool! I also have heard a lot about meditation and mindfulness in happiness and it's worth reading into. Hoping you have a happy rest of your semester!
