Monday, September 18, 2017

Learning Challenge: Talking to myself

I should title this "Reading Aloud" but I felt talking to myself sounded better because that is what it would appear I'm doing to someone else. This last week I had a Molecular Bio test that required copious amounts of reading. I tried the reading aloud method in things that I seemed to find difficulty in understanding. So in my room I casually read about transcription and translation in order to help me understand it. The process worked in my opinion because it made me slowly realize what I repeatedly said. I liked how it made me focus on what I was saying rather than drift off and day day dream. The only thing I didn't like was how slow this made me go over material but that was expected and worth the price. I definitely will apply this style of learning when I'm struggling to comprehend as well as when I'm tired because weirdly enough it kept me awake.

This is the picture of a book found on Free Stock Photos.

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