Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Reading Notes: Reading A , Homer's Odyssey, The Cyclops Defeated

In reading the section of the Cyclops being defeated it was hard to not notice the extreme detail that allowed the reader to truly visualize what exactly was taking place. I think it is important as a writer to use things such as similes and metaphors because it helps bring the idea to the mind easier. He also does a great job of describing things that apply to our senses. For example he describes the taste of the wine to wear I almost felt as if I were drinking wine. I also think the use of speech needs to be descriptive as well in what they are saying to each other.

In a manner of me writing a story like this one I would probably use the ironic name like Homer did. I think the "nobody" name is hilarious and a critical detail of the story which I would like to put in my story. Whether its his name or another aspect I come up with, there needs to be a key detail like this that brings the wittiness to life. In recreating this story I would possibly try to change the Cyclops villain aspect to maybe a talking animal of some sort. I was thinking the character could be rather unintelligent like the Cyclops along with ugly looking. I was thinking maybe have him be like a "King Kong" type character some how and possibly using bananas that were poisoned instead of wine to trick him.

Another thing that I liked from this story was how brutal it is with describing the violence. I think that to fully express how dangerous the situation is you have to describe the violent actions as did Homer. I would need to mention if the scene turns bloody or the action of stabbing and what not. I was thinking if using the "King Kong" type character of maybe having him drown instead of be blinded so I would have to describe the pains of drowning.

Overall the main note I can make to be successful in writing a story mirroring this one would be: USE DETAIL. In every aspect this is what makes this story so amazing.

King Kong from Pixabay

Odyssey: The Cyclops Defeated from Homer's Odyssey, translated into English by Tony Kline (2004)

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