Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 3 Story: Follow Your Soul

Follow Your Soul

There one was a leader of a group of college kids who found the perfect deal in celebrating their summer break in Vegas. The group went and checked into their Hotel as smooth as possible. The group had no set plans of any kind so when they saw a promotion that read “Follow your Soul to the best pool party with music you won’t forget”. They were all immediately interested.

The group decided that this pool party was the perfect thing to do.

Upon reaching the area where the pool party was located, one of the people in the group noticed how everything was closed off so that there was only one way of entering and leaving the facility. He assumed this was just the best way to keep the line in order.

Upon what seemed like an eternity of waiting in line in the hot blistering sun, the group finally all reached the party where they found there was no DJ or any music. One of the people in the group asked a worker in the club “Why are you wearing ear plugs there is no music? The advertisement also said there would be music?”

The worker did not respond with his voice, instead all he did was point to a clock that showed a timer ticking down in front of a giant stage.

Assuming the weird behavior was just part of the excitement to come, the person in the group told everyone about the timer. When the timer had reached 5 minutes to go the group all went to the main pool in front of the stage where the music was supposed to come from.

As everyone was splashing around and enjoying the main pool the timer hit 10 seconds where everyone screamed a count down. Once the timer hit zero, the most beautiful voice came about with the perfect feel from a melody. It was like the audience had never heard music before and it caused everyone to slowly become put into a trance like state. The music was hypnotizing the group with its beautiful essence.

Suddenly the beautiful voice started commanding the people to “Follow your Soul, Follow your Ears, Follow the Drain”. As soon as this started, the beautiful voice repeated it to the music.

Everyone in the college group along with everyone else at this pool party began to follow this beautiful voice in the most calm way imaginable. One by one the people started walking towards the giant drain. This drain was extremely loud from sucking everything and everyone in it yet no one heard nor cared due to only hearing the beautiful voice. As the first person reached the giant drain it immediately sucked the person through like a giant vacuum

Everyone in the pool party saw what happened, but no one seemed to care. Everyone was focused on following the sweet melodic voice.

One by one everyone, except the workers, was sucked up by the giant drain until there remained no one left to hear the beautiful voice. In fact it turned out all of the workers had now walked to the main stage wearing their ear plugs even though it had now gone completely silent in the place.

“Follow your Soul, Follow your Ears, Follow the Drain.” They all said together yet no one was there to hear for the college group and the rest of the people in attendance of the pool party were never seen again.

Vegas Pool party from Wikimedia Commons

Authors Note:

This story is based off the section “Passing the Sirens” from Homer’s Odyssey translated by Tony Kline into English in 2004. In “Passing of the Sirens” there is a group of men sailing a ship near what is known as the Sirens. The sirens have a beautiful voice and song in which they would guide ships into wrecking. In the story, Odysseus put beeswax in the people’s ears in order for them to not be distracted, but he also had them tie him to a mast of the ship so he could hear the song yet not cause any harm to the ship. Although in the story the sirens didn’t affect all the crew, I wrote this story in a horror sense where the characters in the college group were sucked up and never seen again. The voice that is heard from the music in the Vegas pool party is supposed to represent the Sirens, but in my version the only ones who were unaffected were the workers who covered their ears like Odysseus’ crew.


"Passing the Sirens" from Homer's Odyssey, translated into English by Tony Kline. (2004).


  1. What a creative story Gavin! I think the story you wrote really parallels to many similarities in the story of "Passing the Sirens" from Greek mythology. But the way you modernized this was very exciting. It’s also cool because I think this story also has the underlying message of “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Do you have any personal experiences from Vegas that inspired this story?

  2. This is such a creative spin on the original story! I love how unique it was, yet at the same time I could almost immediately tell you were retelling the story of the sirens! I really liked how you made the beautiful voice command everyone to get sucked into the drain. That was very creative and different! It was definitely a very scary horror type story that is for sure! I wish we knew what happened to everyone who got sucked up though, are they all just dead? Are they hanging out with IT in the sewers? Are they just sucked into a black hole? It definitely would be cool to find out what happens!

  3. Hey there again Gavin,

    This story was definitely unique! I have not seen anyone attempt to retell the story of the sirens, and I think you did an excellent job! I was immediately hooked when I realized the group was doomed. When the worker pointed towards the countdown timer, I knew there was imminent danger. I really liked what you did with this part. I think it is cool you have been able to modernize these different stories. I wonder what exactly was leading the students towards the drain? I know in the classic version it was the sirens, but what modern element could you add here? I think that would make the story even more creative. What if you added in an entire back-story for the voice drawing them in? I think you could really add a ton of depth to the story with something like this. You could hype up the villain and excite the readers even more. Overall, I thought it was great!
